During his youth he was known as Raden Qasim, Qosim, neither the Eunuch. There are still many other names it bears in many ancient manuscripts. For example Sunan Mahmud, Sunan Mayang Honey, Sunan Muryapada, Raden Imam, Maulana Hashim, Sheikh Masakeh, Syarifuddin Prince, Prince Kadrajat, and Masaikh Munat. He was the son of Sunan Ampel of marriage with Nyi Ageng Manila, aka Goddess Condrowati. Four other sons are Sunan Ampel Sunan Bonang, Siti Muntosiyah, who married Sunan Giri, Nyi Ageng Maloka, who diperistri Raden Patah, and a daughter who Sunan Kalijaga edited. As Sunan Drajat own, not many scripts that reveal his tracks.
There are recounted, Raden Qasim spent childhood and adolescence in his hometown in Ampeldenta, Surabaya. As an adult, he was told his father, Sunan Ampel, to call people on the west coast in Gresik. Travel to this Gresik summarize a story, which later developed into a legend.
Syahdan, Raden Qasim sailed from Singapore, with a ride Plow fishermen. Along the way, the boat dragged the storm, and hit the waves broke in Lamongan, west of Gresik. Raden Qasim survived by holding on to a rowing boat. Later, he helped marlin and fish-gutters there is also mention tuna.
With both riding the fish, Raden Qasim landed at a place that became known as Kampung bored, Banjarwati. According to chronicle, this persitiwa occurred around 1485 AD. There, Raden Qasim welcomed by elders of the village called Honey and Abah Abah Mayang Banjar.
It is said that two men had been Islamicised by preachers from Surabaya, who was also stranded there for a few years earlier. Raden Qasim then settled in bored, and was married to Myrtle, daughter Honey Mbah Mayang. In bored, Raden Qasim founded a mosque, and eventually became boarding schools where hundreds of residents take your lessons.
bored, which was originally just a small and remote village, the village gradually developed into a large crowd. His name was changed to Banjaranyar. Lapse of three years, Raden Qasim moved to the south, about one kilometer from bored, to higher ground and be free from flooding during the rainy season. The place was named after the village of Drajat.
However, Prince Al-Qassim, who began to be called Sunan Drajat by his followers, yet still consider it a strategic place as a center of Islamic da'wah. Sunan then given permission by the Sultan of Demak, Lamongan ruler at the time, to open up new land in hilly areas in the south. Forest land desert area known as the haunted inhabitants.
sahibul According to the story, a lot of angry spirits due to the opening of the land. They terrorize the residents at night, and spread the disease. However, thanks to the miracle, Sunan Drajat able to overcome. After completion of land clearing, Sunan Drajat with his followers built new settlements, covering about nine hectares.
Under the guidance of Sunan Giri, through a dream, Sunan Drajat occupies the south side of the hill that is now the cemetery, and was named Ndalem Duwur. Sunan founded the mosque a little distance to the west where he lived. The mosque is the place to convey the teachings of Islam preaching to the population.
Sunan spend the rest of his life in Ndalem Duwur, until his death in 1522. In that place now built a museum to store relics-including Sunan Drajat rowing boat that had once saved him. While the former residence of Sunan land is now left empty, and the sacred.
Sunan Drajat famous for wisdom and generosity. He lowered to his followers not to hurt each other rules, either through words or deeds. "Bapang den simpangi, ana mungkur chess," said petuahnya. That is: do not listen to bad-mouth conversations of others, let alone act.
Sunan introducing Islam through da'wah concept car-wise, wise manner, without forcing. In the present teachings, Sunan take five ways. First, through direct instruction at the mosque or the mosque. Secondly, through the organization of education at the seminary. Next, give a fatwa or religious advice in solving a problem.
The fourth mode, through traditional arts. Sunan Drajat often call people through the songs with the accompaniment gending pickaxe. Finally, he also conveyed through the teachings of traditional rituals, as long as not contrary to Islamic teachings.
The four principal subjects are Drajat Sunan: Paring kalunyon sign lan kang wuta Marang, Marang food Paring kaliren kang; Paring clothing Marang kawudan kang; Paring umbrella kang kodanan . It means: give the stick to the blind; give food to the hungry, give clothes to the naked; and provide an umbrella to the rain.
Sunan Drajat very concerned citizens. He often walked around the village at night. Residents feel safe and protected from disturbance spirits who, allegedly, rampant during and after forest clearing. After the afternoon prayers, Sunan well as remembrance walk around the village, reminding residents to perform evening prayers.
"Stop working, do not forget to pray," he said with a tone of persuasion. He always menelateni citizens who are sick, with a treat using traditional herbs, and prayer. As the guardian of another, is famous for its miracle Sunan Drajat. Sumenggah Lengsanga wells in the region, for example, created Sunan when he felt exhausted in a way.
At that time, asked his followers drew wilus Sunan, a kind of tuber forest. When Sunan thirst, he prayed. So, from the nine hole was the former bulb clear water gushing who later became a well-eternal. In some manuscripts, Sunan Drajat mentioned marrying three women. Once married to Myrtle, when settled in the village of Drajat, Sunan Retnayu Condrosekar marry the daughter of the Duke of Kediri, Raden Suryadilaga.
The event was estimated to occur in 1465 AD. According to the Chronicle Tjerbon, the first wife is the Goddess of Sunan Drajat Sufiyah, daughter of Sunan Gunung Jati. Once, before arriving in Lamongan, Raden Qasim had sent his father to take your lessons to learn from Sunan Gunung Jati. In fact, Sharif Hidayatullah was a former student of Sunan Ampel.
In the 'ulama in Java, even today, there is a''tradition disciple each other. " In Tjerbon Chronicle told, after marrying the goddess Sufiyah, Raden Qasim lived in Kadrajat. He used to be called with the title of Prince Kadrajat, or Prince Drajat. There also are called Sheikh Syarifuddin.
padepokan Former Prince Drajat now a burial ground complex, complete with cupola tomb ruins, located in The Village Drajat, District Kesambi. There was built a big mosque named Masjid Nur Drajat. Manuscript and Manuscript Drajat Wanar Badu tells us that from his marriage to Goddess Sufiyah, Sunan Drajat blessed with three sons.
Rekyana oldest child named Prince, or Prince Tranggana. Both Prince Password, and a third child Wuryan Goddess. There is also a story that says that Sunan Drajat never married Nyai Manten in Cirebon, and blessed with four sons. However, this story is rather vague, leaving no trace that convincing.
It is unclear, whether arrived at Sunan Drajat bored after a family or not. However, the book of Wali Sanga babadipun The Guardian noted: "Duk anglaksanani Samana, sakulawarga died ...." When ordered Sunan Ampel, Raden Qasim family reportedly went to Gresik. If so, where his family is shattered when the fishing boat? Historians are still scrambling to answer an ancient manuscript.
He died and was buried in the village Drajad, Paciran Lamongan district of East Java. Not far from the tomb he had built museum that holds some of the heritage in the era of Wali Sanga. His legacy especially in the field of art.
- http://kisahkayahikmah.wordpress.com/2009/04/16/sunan-drajat-raden-qosim/